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Gravehound (Shelved)


'Destiny. I like the idea that we are destiny. It bring the comforting idea that we'd always end up like this together, sitting under the fireflies until our paws get too cold.'

Name: Gravehound

Meaning: Grave, for two he is as silent as the grave. Hound for how he’s like a dog with a bone when captivated.

Nicknames: None yet

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi
Theme Song: Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno

Creation Date: 20 November 2020



Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior

Ex Mentor: [OPEN]

Apprentice: Tinypaw


Father: [OPEN]
Mother: [OPEN]
Siblings: [OPEN]

Mate: Echofall (Larkstripe) He's completely infatuated with the tom.

Kits: N/A

Interpersonal Connections


Echofall: A charming tom and really nice to me! Im in love in a way I never thought I'd be.

Sunstripe: A nice guy but somehow I feel like we don't click like we should.

Buckstar: A nice guy trying to do the best for his clan. I just worry he's not doing the best for himself.

Tinypaw: HES. SO. CUTE! Best tiny apprentice ever!



Frostpaw: Arent medicine cats supposed to help their clan not hurt them?


Overview:A clan is strong by its bonds. Cats will live and die by their connections to others but if by a horrible twist of fate if you were unable to make those bonds you’d be weaker for it. Thats Gravehound in a nutshell, mute from a very young age he struggled to form meaningful connections to others and so while he over time has grown strong that lack has made him lesser. This has resulted in a worried timid and longing cat who lurks on the edges of his clan wishing he could be like them and be heard in a manner he rarely is. Clingy to those he actually gets close to and a tad pushy to try and make friends he can be seen as rather spineless sometimes due to his tendency to prefer no conflict. Still beneath this problematic exterior there is a soft kind and loyal tom who is a much deeper thinker than most would think who just needs reassurance that though he is silent he will not be forgotten by it.

Traits: Clingy, soft, worrisome, compassionate, dedicated, longing.


Very physically affectionate. A cuddler a groomer even sitting he will intentionally sit just enough to touch.

Once he’s started something there is no stopping him until he’s done.

Used to struggle with depression and anxiety.

Creates minor upsets fairly regularly but it’s always been small thus far.

Very dedicated to star clan if emotionally conflicted

Favourite prey are songbirds as he was told as a kit he could consume their song to gain his own..… Now it's just habit.

Has developed his own manner of sign language and tries his best to teach his clan.

Surprisingly skilled warrior and an even better tracker.

For all his anxiety he's surprisingly good at dealing with it and helping others with theirs

Loves kits, who rarely care about his muteness, and has to activly restrain himself from doing 'suprise adoptions'. He only does so because he doesnt think he can be a single parent well enough.

SOFT BOY! Doesnt know how to deal with affection

Rendered mute from a blow to the head at a very young age that knocked him unconscious for a long period of time Gravehound is incapable of making noise. There is no scar or other lasting damage but he will never recover his voice. He has no memory of the event.


American curl

Fur Color: A smokey grey that gradients from black to white in faded stripes.

Fur texture: Thick and soft but not weak.

Fur length: Long

Eye Colour: Gold

Body Type/structure: On the average side if slightly bulkier 

Height: Average

Weight: Average

Other body Quirks: Curled back ears.

Scars/Deformities: Completely mute due to a blow from the head.

Diseases/Conditions: Mild anxiety he has a handle on.

Voice: N/A

Gait: While he is capable of being completely silent he stomps around everywhere so others notice him.

Scent: Wet smooth stone and grass a tingle of faint light musk.

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